On Wednesday: I, along with the rest of my besties, had a CRAP day. Heads down we weathered the storm. I wrote a poor me blog post, crawled into bed and threw the covers over my head like every good, yet slightly defeated, writer/mommy needs to do every now and again.
On Thursday: I woke up, which is always a plus, with a much better attitude. After giving the test-the-waters morning a mommy glare along with the don ‘t-try-it head tilt, I wracked my brains for a Thursday Throwback.
Scouring Youtube is such a hard task!
Nope, didn’t say that with a straight face.
After, what seemed like HOURS of searching … OK I found the song in two clicks but got hung up on book trailers… I came up with:
Scouring Youtube is such a hard task!
Nope, didn’t say that with a straight face.
After, what seemed like HOURS of searching … OK I found the song in two clicks but got hung up on book trailers… I came up with:
Chumbawumba’s Tubthumping!!!!!
I know!
You can’t say it without smiling!!! Wrote the post, attached the you tube video and scheduled the launch.
I picked up the mini-me’s, cooked dinner, checked homework,
“Did you like my Thursday Throwback?” He’s a Chumbawamba fan.
“You didn’t?”
“No, I didn’t see a post. Bed covers went flying as I ran into my office pulled up Blogger to see when did I have that post scheduled for and found this:
To get Blogger back to normal, all posts since 7:37am PDT on Weds, 5/11 have been temporarily removed. We expect everything to be back to normal soon. Sorry for the delay.
Somebody screamed.
Somebody said, “Mindy, don’t scream you’ll wake up the kids.” So… without any further ado…
Throwback Thursday/FanFlippinFreakinTastic Friday’s Video is:
Chumbawamba's Tubthumping aka I Get Knocked Down
Ps… not your normal music video and
Pss… I have a feeling the mini’s were watching this video. There’s a hoop in my kitchen.