
May 13, 2011

Thursday Throwback that Rolled into Friday.

Alright, they the second time is always better so I will try …again… to post Thursday’s Throwback song on Friday. C’mon Blogger, NO WHAMMIES!!!!
On Wednesday: I, along with the rest of my besties, had a CRAP day. Heads down we weathered the storm. I wrote a poor me blog post, crawled into bed and threw the covers over my head like every good, yet slightly defeated, writer/mommy needs to do every now and again.

On Thursday: I woke up, which is always a plus, with a much better attitude.  After giving the test-the-waters morning a mommy glare along with the don ‘t-try-it head tilt, I wracked my brains for a Thursday Throwback. 
Scouring Youtube is such a hard task!
Nope, didn’t say that with a straight face. 
After, what seemed like HOURS of searching … OK I found the song in two clicks but got hung up on book trailers… I came up with:
Chumbawumba’s Tubthumping!!!!!
I know!
You can’t say it without smiling!!!
Wrote the post, attached the you tube video and scheduled the launch.
I picked up the mini-me’s, cooked dinner, checked homework, played networked on twitter, climbed into bed and asked my darling hubby:

 “Did you like my Thursday Throwback?” He’s a Chumbawamba fan.
“You didn’t?”
“No, I didn’t see a post.

Bed covers went flying as I ran into my office pulled up Blogger to see when did I have that post scheduled for and found this:

To get Blogger back to normal, all posts since 7:37am PDT on Weds, 5/11 have been temporarily removed. We expect everything to be back to normal soon. Sorry for the delay.

Posted by at 04:25 PDT

Somebody screamed.
Somebody said, “Mindy, don’t scream you’ll wake up the kids.”

So… without any further ado…

Throwback Thursday/FanFlippinFreakinTastic Friday’s Video is:
 Chumbawamba's Tubthumping aka I Get Knocked Down

Ps… not your normal music video and
Pss… I have a feeling the mini’s were watching this video. There’s a hoop in my kitchen.

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