Flat tush, round belly, jiggly arms, laundry piles, dust bunnies. Just a small list of my “accomplishments,” right now.
Imaginary friends, crazy worlds, reality and fantasy living harmoniously. Rough edges, smoothing; holes, filling; lines, tightening. It’s all coming together.
Eminem, Natasha Bedingfield, and, yes, sometimes Neil Diamond.
The Vidalia Chopper, make-ahead meals, Post-It notes,
correction tape, and my iPhone.

Friends with great news, Friends with amazing sales, Friends
who understand this *head ca-thunk*
Friends with grown-up girl’s gone crazy alcohol nights (that
just means two drinks), friends with O-type blood, friends who make pictures
and paper fun.
Warm looks, 123’s, proud of my wife comments, “Best. Book.
Ever … I want to play this part.”
Sleepy babies, the snuggle shuffle at two in the morning, I
love you, mommy-ies that are only out shined by the occasional, “I’m proud of
you, mommy”.
My favorite things.
And one day, I hope they’re as proud of me as I am of them.
And one day, I hope they’re as proud of me as I am of them.